Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jacob & The Tucket Books

JAKE @10

Jacob turned 10 earlier this month, he is a reader.  He really likes  books like

The Mysterious Benedict Society

The Mysterious Benedict Society Collection
 Gifted children pass a special test and with Mr. Benedict's help become trained to help save the world from destruction.  He's read all three, I've only read the first!  They are complicated, exciting books.  Not a quick read, but suspenseful and thought provoking. 

But Grandma lu gave him these books for his birthday:

Mr. Tucket (The Francis Tucket Books)


Call Me Francis Tucket (The Francis Tucket Books)

As any outdoor adventure lover knows, Gary Paulsen can write a story that will take you on the adventure of a lifetime!  Just imagine being on a wagon train to Oregon in 1848, and getting a rifle for your fourteenth birthday!  Francis is perfecting his sharpshooting skills when he suddenly realizes the wagons are gone and he is alone. 

There are five books in the series Jacob is loving the Oregon trail. 

There are so many books that good readers will miss because they read so well.   I'm so happy Jake read the Francis Tucket books, happier still that he liked them.   

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing pictures of your grandkiddies!!! So cute!! What an awesome Grandma!!
